Battery Reconditioning Epsom Salt Method

Do you want to know how you can extend the life of your lead-acid battery? In this article, we will share with you the uses of battery reconditioning Epsom salt so that you can revive and make your battery last longer. This is a cost-effective method to treat your old battery so that you can still use it.

If you can successfully treat your used battery, you may not need to buy a new one. So in the process, you’ll get to save money. This is one of the many benefits of using Epsom salt.

When you add certain chemicals to the lead-acid battery’s electrolyte, there is a big chance that the build-up of sulfates on the battery’s plates will dissolve. When this happens, the overall performance of the battery improves.

This method of reviving lead-acid batteries has been in used way back in the 1950s. It provides a boost to the performance of old batteries.

Limitations of the Treatment

You have to understand though that there are cases where the battery has been too damaged for this method to work. The chemicals being added to the electrolyte will not be able to replace the battery’s active material. It also can’t do anything about cracked plates, damaged separators, or corroded connectors. You have to check your battery if it has any of these damages before performing the treatment.

Common Cause of Battery Failure

The most common reason why old batteries fail is when they are left to be discharged completely. The active material settles on the bottom of the battery, and then sulfur crystals start to build up. This can cause an increase in the internal resistance, reducing current handling.

Additives Used for Treatment

When you extend the life of your old battery, there are plenty of additives that you can use. They are readily available and affordable. This includes Epsom salts. Using it can help in reducing the internal resistance of your old and sulfated battery. You can still use it for some time before you will need to buy a new one. Other additives include caustic soda and EDTA which is a crystalline acid most commonly utilized in the industry.

What is Epsom Salt?

Epsom salt is not like table salt that we use in the kitchen. It is magnesium sulfate, a pure mineral. It can provide many benefits which include battery reconditioning. When you add Epsom salt to distilled water and place the solution inside your battery, you can treat the lead sulfate buildup on the lead plates. This helps in improving the performance of your battery as well as lengthening its life.

Preparing the Treatment Solution

In using Epsom salt, proceed with the following steps. This can provide treatment to most of the start batteries that we use today.

● Heat 250 ml of distilled water to 66°C
● Mix a few tablespoons of Epsom salt into the water
● Stir until all of the Epsom salt has been dissolved

Remember not to use too much Epsom salt because it may worsen the corrosion in the battery’s lead plates as well as the internal connectors. When putting the solution into your battery, it will cause the electrolyte level to rise.

Keep in mind not to remove the electrolyte. Put solution to only as much as the battery is able to take. Don’t overfill it. Also, do not put any Epsom salt that has not dissolved into your battery. It won’t be able to dissolve easily.

If you do not have Epsom salt, you can use caustic soda. You can use just a pinch of it. After doing the process, you can now proceed to charging the battery. You may not be able to notice the effect immediately. Sometimes, it may take about a few days for you to see if the treatment worked.

Reconditioning Your Battery

Here are the steps to take when proceeding with the treatment of how to recondition batteries at home with Epsom salt solution.

● Clean your battery with the use of sandpaper or brush.

● Take off the cell caps of the battery. Remember to use gloves to avoid touching the acid of the battery.

● Place the solution in the battery. Make sure that you put the solution in every cell. Proceed carefully and slowly.

● Place the cell caps on and shake your battery for around thirty seconds.

● Connect your battery to the battery charger and then slow charge it for twenty-four hours. Do this in a low charging setting. When you do this, remove the battery’s cell caps because the solution might overflow. Also, place the battery on the floor to be safe.

● After twenty-four hours, using your multimeter, check the battery’s voltage. If the voltage hasn’t improved, continue charging it. If there are issues with overflow, add more solution to the battery.

Next Step

In doing this treatment for your battery, remember to do it in an area that is well-ventilated. Wear protective clothing such as long sleeves, gloves, and protective goggles.

Lastly, never add Epsom salt directly into your battery. You should mix it with distilled water first.

Have you tried doing this treatment on your old battery? How was it? Did it work? Do tell us your experience about it.

If you have any questions about the use of battery reconditioning Epsom salt or other techniques on ways to restore other types of batteries, don’t hesitate to email us. We’ll send over more information that will be useful for you.